Drinking Nizhny Novgorod: Pubs of the City

Being known as a student town, as well as a blue-collared city, all the while being regarded as the youth capital of Russia, it should not come as surprise to anyone that Nizhny has a ton of pubs to hang out at. Sadly (for me), their tables are almost always extremely small, making it nigh possible to plan night outs with huge groups. I suppose the reason why people go to pubs are quite different here, especially given how house parties here are more popular compared to Turkey. With that out of the way, let us now go ahead and take a look at some of my favourite watering holes in town!

Gellert Bar – https://yandex.com/maps/-/CCUCzOFZoC

Despite a lack of service this one is likely my favourite spot in town to go for a beer, simply because they have the best draft beer in town. When I say a lack of service, it means that there are no servers. You have to go to the cashier’s desk, order your stuff, pay for it, serve yourself, and then more often than not drop your glasses/dishes back to the counter. It is not ideal for anything other than a meeting with friends. However, both the variety and the quality of their beer on the tap is mind blowing, and any beer enthusiast would do well to go there. Prices are some of the cheapest as well, so you will not feel like you have to budget for the whole week if you drink a few pints more than planned. I must add that their fish and chips was not terrible as well, though it was not perfect as well.

Budapest Ruin Bar – https://yandex.com/maps/-/CCUOM-a9gA

I really wanted to like this bar, and had huge expectations from it, but it sadly thought me a lot about expectations at the end of the day. From the photos of the place on the internet and people’s comments I was looking forward to halfway decent Budapest experience in a rather roomy bar but what I got was two small rooms, two lovely bartenders, and a very non-Budapest Ruin Bar like atmosphere. If you are not fooled by the name and just want a chill place to relax at, you can give it a go, just do not expect an actual ruin bar.

Freakadely – https://yandex.com/maps/-/CCUOM-eXcD

This is likely my favourite place in town to sit down for a beer. They do not have the best beer, at all, nor are they particularly cheap, nor is the food great. It is just, the people and the owner are so eccentric and friendly that they make you feel welcome there, and make you want to return to it as soon as you can. It is better seen than read so you will understand what I mean once you hopefully visit it yourself. Their highly customizable “Big Boss” plate with “balls” of your choosing, a side, and some other goodies always hits the spot as well.

Rock Bar – https://yandex.com/maps/-/CCUOM-qDLD

For lovers of American Rock, there is no better pub in town than the Rock Bar. They have likely the single most worked on decoration in the whole city, and you can tell that it is the product of someone who really knows and likes what they are doing. Music is good, they offer a decent business lunch menu with actual food (which is rare for a pub), and their beer tasting offers are quite affordable and 350 and 450 roubles. I would give it a go but be warned that they almost always require reservation on weekend nights.

Bufet – https://yandex.com/maps/-/CCUOM-u61D

Alternative, cheap, almost subterranean… There is nothing not to like about Bufet. From its ginger beer to lovely waiters, cheap food to cheaper drinks, it is a spot for all students out there, or for those who prefer to have a cheaper night out. A special shout out (once again) should go out for that ginger beer though, it was a superb innovation for those that are into that most excellent delicacy as I am.

Öö – https://yandex.com.tr/harita/-/CCUsyPs-TD

Öö has a special place in my heart, and it is not only because it is the last place I drank at in Nizhny Novgorod, nor is it due to its wonderfully memorable name. They make the best cocktails in town, at least that is what I have been told, and though I am pretty sure I am a good contender for that title, I have to admit that both cocktails I tried there tasted just fine, just fine indeed! The bartender was as nice as it gets, and the tunes went as hard as they come. If you like a good cocktail, some jazz in the background, and are fine with trying to find what appears to be a speakeasy more than a normal pub, make sure to visit Öö!

Fidel – https://yandex.com/maps/-/CCUOM-ULdC

Fidel is a small and cheap Cuban-themed bar that even sells some types of beer by the litre. It is a good place to hang out, the vibe is often quite relaxed, and as I have heard the food is not half bad. I did not frequent it myself, but you may since their 350 rouble 1 litre beer does get the job done in most casual meetings, without breaking the bank.